How Swiftender’s automation saves time, and reduces errors


Shayan Nahrvar

Jun 17, 2017

When it comes to creative tasks, humans are brilliant and machines are nearly useless. But when it comes to repetitive, logical tasks, humans are slow and error-prone, while machines are fast and flawless!

Why use your precious time on repetitive tasks that our system can perform in a fraction of a second?

This principle is at the core of Swiftender’s smart invitation list. It does all the work for you, without any of the human error. Our smart invitation list removes the need to create manual invitation lists for your projects. Why use your precious time on repetitive tasks that our system can perform in a fraction of a second? At the end of the day, you just need to invite the right types of trades who work at the location of the project. That’s precisely what our system does for you, every single time you create a project!

Email verification is another way that we use automation to make your life easier. Maintaining accurate email addresses for your contacts is very time-consuming. But with Swiftender, we automatically detect outdated or faulty emails and let you know, so that you can be confident that everyone knows about your upcoming projects.